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Colorado voters might have two ballot initiatives to decide in November that would help preserve open space. One would add funding to Great Outdoors Colorado, which funds open space, and the other would create urban growth boundaries.

Growth is the number one concern among Colorado residents, and preserving open space a top priority. (See full poll)

Does your city/county have an open space program? YES 30%
Do you support it? Yes 81%


How Coloradoans want to spend their lottery money
By Floyd Ciruli

 Survey Facts
  • Telephone survey conducted October 1 to October 30, 1998 for Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO).

  • Conducted by Ciruli Associates.

  • Telephone survey of 600 Colorado adults in Colorado selected by random digit dialing with random sample of statewide area telephone exchanges.



Direction of State

Overall, would you say things in Colorado are generally going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track here in Colorado?

1998 1995
Right direction 68% 61%
Wrong track 21% 28%
Don't know 11% 11%


Considering the State of Colorado and the number of people living here, do you believe the state is growing too fast, about the right amount or not growing fast enough?

Too fast 75%
About right 22%
Not fast enough 1%
Don't know 2%


How do you believe each is performing its job? Do you believe it is doing an excellent, good, fair or a poor job? If you aren't familiar with the organization, or don't have an opinion on its performance, just say so.

Excel. Good Fair Poor No.
No. Opin.
Colorado State Parks 18% 59% 14% 2% 5% 25% 77% 16% 7%
The Colorado Lottery 12% 45% 15% 9% 13% 6% 57% 24% 19%
Colorado Div. of Wildlife 16% 47% 18% 3% 10% 7% 63% 21% 17%
Your local parks and rec. department (if applicable) 22% 47% 16% 5% 5% 6% 69% 21% 11%
Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) 5% 17% 4% 2% 15% 56% 22% 6% 71%


Colorado State Park 77% 73%
Local parks/rec. 69% 67%
Division of Wildlife 63% 63%
Colorado Lottery 57% 56%

In 1992, Colorado voters passed an amendment to the constitution that directed that lottery proceeds be spent for the outdoors. The organization created to distribute a part of the lottery proceeds is called Great Outdoors Colorado or GOCO. Money is given to state and local recreation projects, wildlife and open space projects.

Do you recall hearing about Great Outdoors Colorado GOCO or are you unfamiliar with it?
1998 1995
Heard of it 48% 63%
Unfamiliar with it 57% 37%

Given what you have heard or seen about it, would you say Great Outdoors Colorado/GOCO has done an excellent, good, fair or poor job?

Excellent 10%
Good 51%
Fair 23%
Poor 3%
Don't know 14%

GOCO Ratings Comparisons
First Test Second Test Third Test
1998 1995 1998 1995 1998 1995
Excellent 5% 4% 10% 12% 8% 9%
Good 17% 15% 51% 39% 33% 33%
Fair 4% 6% 23% 22% 12% 16%
Poor 2% 2% 35% 8% 4% 6%
Don't know 71% 66% 14% 18% 42% 36%

Do you support or oppose continuing using lottery funds for parks, outdoor recreation, wildlife habitats and open space?

Support lottery for outdoors 89%
Oppose lottery for outdoors 9%
Don't know 2%


Environment and Growth Scale

Tthe following statements are about the environment and the economy. Please tell which one comes closest to your views.

  1. Colorado needs more jobs and economic development even if the resulting growth may mean more crowding, pollution and loss of open space.; OR
  2. Colorado needs more jobs and economic development. The environment should be protected as much as possible, but we must grow.; OR
  3. While Colorado needs more jobs and economic development, the environment must be protected even if we have to slow growth.; OR
  4. Colorado really does not need more jobs and economic development because we already have too much pollution, crowding and loss of open space. No more

Down Up 1998
Statement A 1% 3% 2% 3% 3%
Statement B 27% 33% 30% 31% 36%
Statement C 45% 43% 44% 44% 50%
Statement D 26% 19% 23% 20% 9%
Don't know 1% 2% 1% 2% 2%


Important Outdoor Priorities

In your community, what is the most important park, outdoor recreation, open space and/or wildlife need that should be addressed?

Preserve open space 18%
Park maintenance (roads/restooms/campgrounds/parking areas) 12%
Preserve wildlife habitat 9%
Develop local parks 4%
Children's parks 4%
Acquire land for future parks/open space 3%
Trails 2%
Bike paths 2%
Athletic fields (baseball/soccer) 2%
Sports facilities (swimming pools/tennis) 2%
Indoor recreation area 2%
Urban park development 2%
Access 2%
Agricultural land preservation 1%
Save primitive areas 1%
Playground equipment 0.3%
Protect endangered species 0.2%
Urban natural areas 0.2%
Other 4%
Don't know 30%

Thinking about the state in general, what is the most important park, outdoor recreation, open space and/or wildlife need that should be addressed?

Preserve open space 27%
Preserve wildlife habitat 14%
Park maintenance (roads/restooms/campgrounds/parking areas) 12%
Trails 2%
Develop local parks 2%
Access 2%
Acquire land for future parks/open space 2%
Agricultural land preservation 1%
Bike paths 1%
Save primitive areas 1%
Protect endangered species 1%
Athletic fields (baseball/soccer) 1%
Children's parks 1%
Sports facilities (swimming pools/tennis) 1%
Urban park development 1%
Indoor recreation area 0.2%
Playground equipment 0.2%
Urban natural areas 0.2%
Other 3%
Don't know 30%


Lottery Dollar Priorities

Since 1992, the Great Outdoors Colorado organization has distributed approximately $17 million per year of Lottery proceeds to the outdoors. In 1999, there will be an increase in funds. The following is a list of possible new or expanded programs. Please tell which you consider your highest priority, which you consider a medium priority, which you consider a low priority, and finally, those you don't consider a priority at all today.

Not a
Managing and protecting land for non-game wildlife habitat 46% 39% 8% 5% 2%
Expanding educational programs for people to learn more about the outdoors, such as through teacher training and signs that explain natural features 42% 41% 12% 5% 0.3%
Acquiring and preserving open space and greenbelts between uban areas 67% 26% 4% 2% 1%
Acquiring and preserving farm and ranch land threatened by development 64% 27% 5% 2% 2%
Building regional trail systems 68% 24% 4% 1% 2%
Expanding opportunities for youth to participate in outdoor activities and work in outdoor programs 58% 33% 5% 2% 1%
Developing large regional outdoor recreational facilities, such as soccer fields 27% 41% 24% 8% 1%
Acquiring land for future state and local parks 49% 37% 9% 4% 2%

River corridor 68%
Open space 67%
Agricultural land 64%
Youth outdoor programs 58%
Future state and local parks 49%
Non-game habitat 46%
Education programs 42%
Regional trails 32%
Large outdoor recreation facilities 27%


Outdoor Activities

As I read the following outdoor activities, please tell me if you took part in the activity during the last two years (1997 or 1998).

Trail recreation such as hiking, biking and horseback 69% 31% 70%
Trail recreation such as 4-wheel driving and motorbike riding 27% 73% 19%
Camping or picnicing 83% 17% 80%
Fishing 51% 49% 48%
Hunting 17% 83% 17%
Water recreation such as swimming, sailing or rafting 58% 42% 39%
Water recreation such as water or jet skiing and power boating 21% 79% 18%
Winter sports such as skiing or snowshoeing 38% 62% 31%
Winter sports such as snowmobiling 10% 90% 7%
Ball sports such as golf, baseball, tennis and soccer 52% 48% 48%


Local Government

Does your city or county have a program that uses local tax dollars to purchase open space land?

Yes 30%
No 10%
Don't know 60%

IF YES, Do you favor or oppose your local government's open space program?

Favor 81%
Oppose 10%
Don't know 8%

IF FAVOR, Do you believe your local government's open space program should purchase more land for open space, has purchased about the right amount or has purchased too much land for open space?

Purchase more land 55%
Right amount 40%
Purchase too much land 1%
Don't know 5%

IF NO OR DON'T KNOW, Should your local government start a program that uses local tax dollars to purchase open space?

Yes 63%
No 22%
Don't know 14%



Please tell if you strongly agree with the statement, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. If you don't have an opinion, just say so.

There should be cooperative effort among state agencies, local government, nonprofit organizations, and businesses to set planning goals for the state to help anticipate growth and protect the outdoors 73% 22% 3% 0.3% 2%
In mountain valleys some land should be maintained for wildlife habitats, agricultural use and open space to separate towns 79% 16% 2% 1% 2%
Many unused railroad lines in mountain and rual areas should be converted to walking and biking trails 47% 33% 7% 8% 55
Private land owners of ranches and large farms should be paid to put their land in trust to protect open space and wildlife habitats whil continuing agricultral operations 40% 28% 10% 12% 10%



Please tell which statement comes closest to your personal beliefs on the topic. Also, whether it is much closer to your personal beliefs than the other statement or somewhat closer to your personal beliefs.

A. Colorado's top priority should be to create more natural open areas with little public access and no or very few developed campsites, roads or trails.
B. Colorado's top priority should be to create more parks and open areas with easy public access and well developed facilities such as campsites, roads and trails.

Much closer to statement A 17%
Somewhat closer to statement A 12% Statement A 29% 36%
Somewhat closer to statement B 22% Statement B 64% 54%
Much closer to statement B 42% Don't know 6% 10%
Don't know 6%

A. Colorado has enough land controlled by federal, state and local governments. We should not be buying more land for open space, parks and protected areas with tax dollars.
B. Colorado needs more open space, parks and protected areas. We should continue buying land with tax and lottery dollars.

Much closer to statement A 13%
Somewhat closer to statement A 8% Statement A 21% 32%
Somewhat closer to statement B 17% Statement B 68% 61%
Much closer to statement B 51% Don't know 10% 6%
Don't know 10%

If more land for open space, parks and protected areas was acquired by the use of long-term leases or easements instead of outright government ownership of the land, would you support or oppose using tax or lottery dollars to acquire more open space, parks and protected areas?

1998 1995
Support 40% 28%
Oppose 49% 59%
Don't know 11% 13%

DO you agree or disagree with the following statement: The price of land is increasing and the state is growing so fast that Colorado should speed up the purchase of open space land.

Agree 63%
Disagree 18%
Don't know 8%


Lottery Increase

As was mentioned, in recent years, GOCO has had about $17 million per year in Lottery proceeds to spend on projects like those described. In 1999, GOCO will receive about $40 million per year in Lottery proceeds for outdoor projects. Given what you believe are the needs for state and local outdoor recreation projects, wildlife and open space projects, do you believe $40 million per year is more than enough money, about the right amount or not enough money for spending on outdoor recreation, wildlife and open space projects?

More than enough 20%
About right 50%
Not enough 18%
Don't know 11%


Have you played the Colorado lottery (or lotto) during 1998?

1998 1995
Yes 74% 78%
No 26% 22%
Don't know 0.3% 0%



How old are you?

18 - 24 7%
25 - 34 17%
35-44 25%
45-54 20%
55-64 15%
65 and over 15%
Refused 2%

What was the last grade or degree you completed at school?

Grades 1-11 7%
High school graduate 27%
Some college/business/vocational sch. 25%
College graduate 20%
Postgrad work/professional graduate 19%
Refused 2%

Were you born in Colorado? IF NOT A NATIVE, how long have you lived in Colorado?

Native 34%
10 yrs. or less 21%
11 - 29 yrs. 26%
30 yrs. or more 17%
Refused 2%

How would you describe the area you live?

Farm or rural area 14%
Small town - less than 5,000 people 10%
Small city - 5 - 50K people 12%
Large city - 50 - 500K 32%
Suburb - near but outside city limit 33%
Refused 2%

Are you currently married, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?

Married 60%
Separated/divorced 14%
Widowed 8%
Single 17%
Refused 2%

Do you have any children under 18 years old in the house?

Yes 40%
No 58%
Don't know 2%

Are you employed, not currently employed, a homemaker, retired or a student?

Employed 63%
Unemployed 4%
Retired 18%
Homemaker 8%
Student 3%
Other 2%
Refused 2%

With which race do you identify yourself--white, black, Asian or some other ethnic or racial background?

White 81%
Hispanic 10%
Black 3%
Asian 1%
Other 2%
Refused 2%

For statistical purposes only- if your are Hispanic or from spanish-speaking background, what is your total family income for last year, 1997, before taxes.

Less than $20,000 12%
$20,000 to $39,999 30%
$40,000 to $79,999 30%
$80,000 to $99,999 7%
$100,000 to $150,000 4%
More than $150,000 3%
Refused 8%
Not sure 7%


Male 48%
Female 52%


Area # %
Metro (A) 349 58%
Front Range (A,B,C,D) 505 84%
Rural (E,F) 95 16%
Non-Metro (B,C,D,E,F) 251 42%

Related Link: GOCO Strategic Plan Update


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