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Choices for Colorado's Future: Environmental Scan

In the early 1990s, The Colorado Trust commissioned Ciruli Associates as part of a team conducting a scan of Colorado economic, social, political and technological trends in order to project scenarios for Colorado at the turn of the century. The goal was to create a vision of Colorado's future good and bad and use the knowledge to establish sustainable economies and enhance quality of life.

The study began with two assumptions. First, Colorado's future will be influenced by local , regional, national and global events, many of which can be anticipated. Second, by exercising vision, Colorado leaders and resident can choose to shape the state's future. By blending these assumptions, the study concluded that the future can be managed, not just forecast. The Trust Board used the scan information, along with other components of a larger study, as part of its strategic planning for the coming decade.

The project solicited the views of leaders and citizens from eight regions around the state. In all, 70 different trends were identified. Emphasized in the study and conclusions were: demographic, lifestyle, educational, health, human service, employment, economic, criminal, political and technological trends.

For more information on the full report, titled Choices for Colorado's Future: Environmental Scan, contact The Colorado Trust, 1600 Sherman St., Denver, CO, 80203, (303)837-1200, or Ciruli Associates at fciruli@aol.com.


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